What are Spaced Repetitions?
Spaced Repetitions are a powerful learning system, based on the spacing effect. This effect states that newly introduced and more difficult flashcards should be shown more frequently, while older and less difficult flashcards should be shown less frequently. This way, you can save time by not reviewing knowledge you already know. After a few successful reviews, the intervals between reviews can be as long as months or even a couple of years.
This learning method is widely used by Med students and language learners, but it can be applied to any subject. As Notion is becoming increasingly popular for organizing studies and saving knowledge, existing spaced repetition solutions for Notion weren’t able to compete with Anki or similar apps.
Therefore, I created a system that mimics the Anki and Supermemo algorithm. It is the first and only Notion-based spaced repetition system that increases the intervals of a flashcard continuously. Get it now for free!
Important Sections:
– Evidence-based learning system
– Exploits the spacing effect
– Time-saving
– Widely used by Med students and language learners
– Can be applied to any subject
– Existing spaced repetition solutions for Notion weren’t able to compete with Anki or similar apps
– Mimics the Anki and Supermemo algorithm
– Increases the intervals of a flashcard continuously
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