Resume Template for Web Developers, Software Engineers and Product Managers

Resume template for tech jobs gives you a clean

As a hiring manager in the tech industry and an interviewer for various tech positions, such as software developers, engineering managers, data scientists, product managers, UX designers, content writers, program managers, and technical recruiters, I have seen a wide range of resumes. Those with stand-out resumes tend to perform better in interviews as they have presented themselves in the best possible light and highlighted important information for interviewers to delve into. This makes their interviews more focused and run smoother.

This resume template is ideal for professionals in the tech industry, including:

1. Web developers
2. Software engineers
3. Data scientists
4. Data analysts
5. UX designers
6. Product managers
7. Product marketing managers

When you purchase a Google Docs or Microsoft Word (.docx) or Notion resume template, you will also receive a free guide in PDF format that explains the 5 essential steps to creating a perfect resume. The template demonstrates the application of the 5 essential steps discussed in the guide. So read the guide and create your resume using the template to give yourself the best chance.

Common Questions about Tech Resumes and IT Resumes:

1. Can an IT resume be 2 pages?
Yes, as long as you’re including relevant information, work experience, and extracurricular activities that are pertinent to your career in IT. Try to limit it to no more than 3 pages maximum. Have a look at tech resume templates to see how you can fit more information on one page using a 2-column layout but still making it scannable.

2. What skills should I include in an IT resume?
You should include both soft and hard skills, but under different sections.

3. What is the best font for a tech resume?
Keep it simple and use any standard and easy-to-read font. Remember one of the steps I mentioned in my Tech Resume Guide above, make it scannable which also means not using fancy fonts that are not legible.

4. How to write a software developer resume?
One of the biggest mistakes that I see software developers make in their resumes is that they fail to elaborate their impact and explain their projects in business terms. For example, Wrote code and fixed bugs for software doesn’t say anything about your capabilities as a software developer. Refer to Step 2 of my Tech Resume Guide above,

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