Personal HQ – Notion Life Manager

Personal HQ is a Notion System that lets you manage

This template is designed for those who want to manage their life in one place. It eliminates the need to search for multiple Notion templates from different creators, as they can all be connected and organized in one place.

Personal HQ includes the following features:

– The Daily Planner: Plan your day ahead of time and track your daily tasks and habits.
– Tasks and Project Manager: Easily add tasks and connect them to projects, and keep track of completion rates.
– Habit Tracker: Adopt good habits and track progress with recurring templates and progress bars.
– Book Library: Create a digital library of books and keep track of completion rates with progress bars.
– Finance Tracker: Add expenses and incomes and check monthly balance at a glance.
– Web Bookmarks: Save articles, tweets and other information for later use.
– Social Media Content Planner: Schedule, plan and manage content across 8 different social media platforms.
– Subscriptions: Track subscriptions and see the next billing date for each subscription.
– Quick Notes: Dump down thoughts and add quick notes.
– Goals: Track goals and see the rate of accomplishment with progress bars.

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