Notionable Tasks Hub

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The Tasks Hub is a robust and integrated system for scheduling and tracking your tasks

The Tasks Hub is an integrated system for organizing and monitoring your tasks, to-dos, and habits within Notion. It is designed for busy people who need a reliable way to manage their productivity. You can use it to keep track of:

– Daily, weekly, and monthly tasks
– Recurring tasks, backlog tasks, and achievements
– Goals and buckets (areas of focus)
– Habits

The Tasks Hub employs a clever structure to link these different elements. It draws on aspects of GTD and Eisenhower Matrix principles to give you an integrated system for scheduling tasks, achieving goals, and forming new habits.

**How do I use it?** Ever feel like your head is full of tasks that you’ll get to eventually? Maybe you have a task manager, but you overuse it and schedule too many tasks, so you end up not doing any of them. The Tasks Hub Dashboard is designed to address these issues with its four main sections:

– Task Inbox – Use this to quickly add new tasks or get future tasks out of your head and into your workflow. Utilize the built-in Eisenhower Matrix tools to determine what tasks are most important and how to prioritize them.
– Quick Links – Underneath the Inbox section is your Quick Links section, giving you easy access to the most used parts of the Task Hub, along with a quick view timeline.
– Tasks – This is your main task overview. Use the view switcher to switch between your task list, Kanban view, and calendar view.
– Spaces – Think of the Spaces section like a map of the Tasks Hub. It contains quick links to specific information when you need it. Use Spaces to store “someday” tasks, backlog tasks, and more.

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