Notion Habit Tracker and Goal Setter

This habit tracker gives you actionable data to make your habits stick without the complexity of other systems

Having this tool has been a game-changer for me:
1. Onboarding process:
The tracker has a step-by-step process to customize it for individual needs. During the onboarding process, you can add or remove habits without having to mess with formulas.
2. Select how often to do each habit:
You can choose how many times per week you plan to do each habit and the system will calculate your success accordingly. This way, you don’t have to set an unrealistic goal of doing a habit 7 days a week, which can be discouraging.
3. Track up to 10 habits:
The maximum number of habits to track is capped at 10, so you don’t have to worry about managing too many.
4. Easy input (mobile friendly):
Inputting data is easy, as you just have to create a daily entry and check off your habits. It’s also mobile-friendly, so you can favorite the page and access it on the go.
5. Warns you when you’re near to failing your habit goal:
You won’t have to remember when you’re close to failing your habit goal, as the system will remind you.
6. Aggregates all the data in a visually pleasing table:
The data you input daily is aggregated into a visually pleasing table, so you can easily see which habits are sticking and which ones need more focus.
7. Everything’s under control from your Dashboard:
The dashboard makes it easy to navigate and access everything you need.

This tool is perfect for those who believe that caring about our habits is important to build the lives we want. If this resonates with you and you want to start 2021 with the right tool to help you achieve your habits, click on the “I want this!” button!

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