KORA | Learning Productivity Bundle

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Hoarding knowledge doesn't make you smarter

Every curious learner needs a plan to stay on top of things. Information overload can be a serious issue for cognitive health, so our dedicated features can help:

πŸ“ Automations to save time
πŸ“ Reminders to improve retention and train your memory
πŸ“ Time blocking method to stay on track
πŸ“ Books organization and stats
πŸ“ Writing section to maximize output
πŸ“ Zettelkasten-ready
πŸ“ Generators to quickly add new knowledge
πŸ“ Table stats to fight information overload


What is a Resonance Calendar?
It is a database used to gather, organize, connect and activate your information digest and personal knowledge base. The tool was conceptualized by Ali Abdaal: it reminds you periodically to elaborate and review the content you save, in order to keep it fresh, avoid hoarding and flatten your forgetting curve.

How will I receive the template?
After purchase, you will be redirected to a dedicated page, where you will be able to duplicate it to your own Notion workspace.

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