This template is designed for travelers and adventurers who are looking to document every moment of their trips. It addresses the following issues:
1) Having all your stays and attractions in one place and being able to filter them by country name.
2) Having a dashboard to view your next trip, a summary of the next trip, and quick access to all pages.
3) Managing all financial transactions.
4) Having a pre-defined travel checklist.
The template provides solutions to these issues by having a page for all your stays with a formula to calculate the total price and how many nights by reading the check-in/out date. It also allows you to plan all your attractions and add them to the template in a well-designed page, which can be filtered by country. There is also a feature to add Google map URLs, so you never forget a place to visit. An important part of any trip is managing the finances, and the template has a simple and easy-to-use page so you can add every country you visit and all transactions, calculating the total expense.
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