Business Model Canvas & Lean Canvas Templates

Short Story: I made these templates out of frustration of the traditional ways like PDF

Frustrated with the traditional PDF, PPTX, and XLS formats for creating and editing Business Model Canvas (BMC) and Lean Canvas, I decided to create my own templates. I wanted to focus on the thoughts and ideas rather than the formatting of the documents, and I wanted to be able to track changes and add feedback quickly. After two days of work, I had created a Notion template that allowed me to do just that.

My Notion templates are ready to use and easy to fill. Each canvas is pre-filled with Uber examples to help you better understand each element. Every element has a question to help you focus on adding accurate hypotheses. The templates are easy to change, edit, track changes, and pivot. They look beautiful on every device and are easy to share and view anytime, anywhere. I’m sharing these to help entrepreneurs end their struggles with BMC and Lean Canvas, FOREVER.

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