Balance OS | GTD, PARA & Goal Setting

With interconnected GTD

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all your tasks, personal and professional goals, side hustles, and ideas? This Notion template is designed to help organize and make sense of all the lists and thoughts in your head. It takes full advantage of Notion’s automated and relational features to keep track of tasks, projects, areas, goals, ideas, and notes.

This template is perfect for:
– Taking control of your life and reaching your full potential
– Creating a comprehensive database of useful information
– Achieving balance, clarity, and peace of mind
– Managing personal and professional projects and goals

This template includes the following main pages:
1) Getting Things Done – A step-by-step guide to the GTD process by David Allen
2) PARAA – A filing cabinet for your brain with 20+ templates that filter tasks and resources/notes by project or area, and automatic progress bars
3) Life-balance Journaling – A place to check-in with yourself and align with your purpose and goals weekly, monthly, or whenever needed
4) Goals Overview – A space to break down goals quarterly, monthly, and weekly, and link them to projects, as well as measure and track progress with automatic progress bars

You can also review your life day to day through the following views:
1) Dashboard – An overview of current tasks, calendar, projects, habits & goals
2) Today/Current View – An overview of tasks, habits, weekly objectives, and intentions
3) Eisenhower’s Matrix – Prioritize tasks linked to the GTD
4) Looking Back – Celebrate wins and remember the good times
5) Habit Tracker – Review progress on habits at a glance

Bonus: Phone View, Integrated Deep Work Chamber, and a note-taking system for reading books using linked databases.

If you’re unfamiliar with the GTD and PARA systems, don’t worry! There are guides and video tutorials included in the template, and I’m always available to answer any questions. However, this template may be overwhelming for those new to Notion, so I recommend this for those with experience using Notion or who are willing to learn how to use it. I spent months making sure this template optimizes workflow, prioritization, and helps maintain momentum and motivation, and I hope you like it!

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