Got a big idea? Let’s turn it into your greatest business. Easily execute your dream business with the BOOTSTRAP OS step-by-step guide. 1 proven 4-phased business plan & process. 20+ ready-to-use Notion templates. 100+ resources & materials.

Jumpstart your journey from idea to business with BOOTSTRAP OS. This proven step-by-step plan and process will help you easily execute your dream business.

PROBLEM: Entrepreneurship is complicated and your business is spread across multiple accounts and files.
SOLUTION: BOOTSTRAP OS provides a single Notion workspace that guides you from A to B. It takes care of the process and plan for you.

What’s included in BOOTSTRAP OS?
This step-by-step guide will help you get entrepreneurship right. It is divided into four stages:

1. Foundation (7 templates)
2. Idea to Concept (5 templates)
3. Concept to MVP (6 templates)
4. MVP to Business (5 templates)
5. Business to Funded (COMING SOON! All future updates included)

What others are saying:
“BOOTSTRAP OS is the perfect tool to start a business idea. It shows all the vital steps to take an idea to a business with a clear structure. No need to search for videos or articles anymore because BOOTSTRAP OS contains everything, even if you need to learn it first.” – Simon Ashwood from

“There is no better way to learn entrepreneurship than to actually do it. And now there is no better way to get equipped for your journey than BOOTSTRAP OS.” – Nazareno Clemente from Harbour.Space

Who is BOOTSTRAP OS for?
This program is for:
– Those who have tried and failed at building something successful and want to stop jumping ahead.
– Those who want to master best practices in rapid business building and get it right.
– Those who are chaotic and in need of an organized step-by-step process & plan.

FAQ’s & About Julian Paul
For answers to questions about Notion, please head HERE.
For general inquiries or questions, please DM Julian Paul on Twitter @itsjulianpaul!‍

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